Труды Конференции
Труды Конференции опубликованы в издательстве СНЕГ, Пятигорск.
На статью в Трудах можно ссылаться так:
Author, Title, in
"Proceedings of the International Workshop on Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects
and Multimessenger Astronomy: Neutrino Signals, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts",
Russia, Nizhnij Arkhyz (SAO RAS), Terskol (BNO INR RAS), October, 7 - 14, 2015,
Publishing house SNEG, Pyatigorsk, 2016, ISBN 978-5-903129-85-0, pp. ...
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Alvarez-Castillo D. E.
Energetic emissions from deconfinement in compact stars and
their relation to the critical end point in the QCD phase diagram
Agafonova N.Yu., Ashikhmin V.V., Boliev M.M., Volchenko V.V., Dadykin V.L., Dzaparova I.M.,
Dobrynina E.A., Enikeev R.I., Kochkarov M.M., Novoseltsev Yu.F., Novoseltseva R.V., MalТgin A.S.,
Petkov V.B., Ryazhskaya O.G., Shakiryanova I.R., Yakushev V.F., Yanin A.F. and the LVD Collaboration
The search for coincidences of rare events using LVD and BUST detectors
Baryshev Yu.V., Paturel G., Sokolov V.V.
Sidereal time analysis as a tool for detection of gravitational and neutrino signals
from the core-collapse SN explosions in the inhomogeneous Local Universe
Dzhappuev D.D., Petkov V.B., Kudzhaev A.U., Klimenko N.F., Lidvansky A.S., Troitsky S.V.
Search for cosmic gamma rays with the Carpet-2 extensive air shower array
Fabrika S., Vinokurov A., Atapin K., Sholukhova O.
Super-Eddington accretion disks in Ultraluminous X-ray sources
Karpov S., Beskin G., Biryukov A., Bondar S., Ivanov E., Katkova E., Perkov A., and Sasyuk V.
Mini-MegaTORTORA wide-field monitoring system with sub-second temporal resolution:
observation of transient events
Kuzminov V.V.
Baksan Neutrino Observatory of the INR RAS: current state and prospects
Lidvansky A.S.
Burst activity of the Crab Nebula and its pulsar at high and ultra-high energies
Nadyozhin D.K.
Mechanisms of supernova explosion: modern status
Novoseltsev Yu.F., Boliev M.M., Dzaparova I.M., Kochkarov M.M., Novoseltseva R.V., Petkov V.B.,
Volchenko V.I., Volchenko G.V., Yanin A.F.
A search for neutrino bursts signal from supernovae at the Baksan Underground
Scintillation Telescope
Novoseltseva R.V., Boliev M.M., Dzaparova I.M., Kochkarov M.M., Novoseltsev Yu.F., Petkov V.B.,
Volchenko V.I., Volchenko G.V., Yanin A.F., Agafonova N. Yu., Ashikhmin V. V., Dadykin V. L.,
Dobrynina E. A., Enikeev R. I., MalТgin A. S., Ryazhskaya O. G., Shakiryanova I. R., Yakushev V. F., and
the LVD Collaboration.
Joint analysis of experimental data on the search for neutrino bursts using the BUST and
LVD detectors
Petkov V.B.
Prospects of detecting the QCD phase transition in the Galactic supernova neutrino
burst with 20-kton scale liquid scintillation detectors
Rudenko V.N.
Current status of GW experiment and multi-messenger astronomy
Ryazhskaya O.G., Semenov S.V.
Interaction of electron neutrino with LSD detector
Sokolov Ilya V., Castro-Tirado A.J., Verkhodanov O.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Baryshev Yu.V.
Clustering of galaxies around the GRB 021004 sight-line at z ~ 0.5
Sokolov V.V.
On the observed mass distribution of compact stellar remnants in close binary systems
and possible interpretations proposed for the time being
Spiering Ch.
High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy: Where do we stand, where do we go?
Verkhodanov O.V., Sokolov V.V., Khabibullina M.L.
Correlation between sphere distributions of gamma-ray bursts and CMB fluctuations
Vlasyuk V.V., Sokolov V.V.
The complex of SAO RAS optical instruments as an instrument for studying transient
sources in the Universe
Wiktorowicz G.
X-ray Binaries and Ultraluminous X-ray Sources
Yudin A.
On some exotic properties of hybrid stars
Yu Y. B., Wu X. F., Huang Y. F., Xu M.
Energy Injections in Gamma Ray Bursts