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Using the radio telescope GMRT (India) and the 6 m telescope of SAO RAS, maps of the distribution of neutral and ionized hydrogen have been obtained in 60 nearby dwarf galaxies whose luminosities range from 1/100 to 1/10000 of that of the Milky Way. This sample is 4 times the number of similar objects investigated at all other telescopes of the world. In the majority of investigated dwarf galaxies ordered inner motions (typical amplitude is less than 15km/s) predominate over turbulent, while the mutual distribution of star formation regions and zones of high HI density are distinguished by huge diversity. The isolated dwarf galaxy NGC 3741 is surrounded by an extremely extended HI envelope whose size exceeds the standard optical diameter of a galaxy by a factor of 8, and the ratio of its dynamic mass to luminosity reaches 100 in solar units, which has so far been observed only in dwarf spheroidal galaxies.
DDO 68 - the nearest galaxy with extremely low metallicity.
From the results of studying at BTA of one of the nearest voids, a galaxy
DDO 68 with active star formation was discovered, which is the most
metal-poor galaxy of the Local Volume (12+log(O/H)=7.2,
Detection of optical afterglow of GRB 050408.
An optical afterglow of the gamma-ray burst GRB 050408 was discovered at the
telescopes of SAO RAS on April 8, 2005. Multiband photometric observations
of this variable object were then continued at 10 telescopes of the world:
SAO RAS, Spain, Denmark, England, India, Taiwan, Japan. On the 6th day the
object showed an increased brightness the nature of which may be associated
with a dense envelope around the massive progenitor star. This nonmonotony
of the light curve is similar to that observed in the optical afterglow of
the GRB 050798.
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The first revealing of nongaussianity of maps of microwave background
The method of phase analysis revealed the nongaussian character of
observational data of the microwave background radiation on the entire
celestial sphere. In several ranges of multipoles a correlation of phases of
searched for signal with phases of signal of interfering background