Preprints. 2004
N192 (January)
Methods for determination of radial velocities of stars
V.E.Panchuk, A.N.Aliev, V.G.Klochkova, M.V.Yushkin
A survey has been conducted of the fundamental techniques for
determination of radial velocities of stars, and design features of some
spectral systems have been considered. Basic performance characteristics of the
spectrographs of three types (Cassegrain focus, Coude focus and fiber
spectrographs) are presented. Radial velocity measurement errors caused by the
instabilities of the instruments characteristics are estimated. Astrophysical
limitations on the radial velocity measurement accuracy of stars are discussed.
Principles of applications of the Fabry-Perot etalon to the task of
improving the accuracy of determination of radial velocities are started.
Methods of absolute accelerometry both in the problem of studying oscillations
of the solar surface and in the task of astroseismology are described.
Information on the accuracies of radial velocity measurement with facilities
of different type is presented, prospectes of improving the accelerometry
precision are being evaluated. This survey may be helpful for post-graduates
and students of physico - mathematica departments.
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Last update: 26/12/2008