
International Conference
The multi-messenger astronomy:
gamma-ray bursts, search for electromagnetic counterparts to
neutrino events and gravitational waves

7-14 October 2018

Electromagnetic Counterparts to Gravitational Waves and the case of GRB 170817A

Alberto J. Castro-Tirado, Youdong Hu, Binbin Zhang, and Vladimir Sokolov


      We briefly report on detection of the first electromagnetic counterpart for GW 170817A. Thanks to it, the new Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy has just been opened in 2017.

Alberto J. Castro-Tirado*, Youdong Hu, Binbin Zhang, and Vladimir Sokolov. "Electromagnetic Counterparts to Gravitational Waves and the case of GRB 170817A", in Proceedings of the International Conference "The multi-messenger astronomy: gamma-ray bursts, search for electromagnetic counterparts to neutrino events and gravitational waves", Russia, Nizhnij Arkhyz (SAO RAS), Terskol (BNO INR RAS), October, 7 - 14, 2018, Publishing house SNEG, Pyatigorsk, 2019, ISBN 978-5-6041711-1-0, pp. 44-47.
DOI: 10.26119/SAO.2019.1.35495
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