BNO-SAO Conference 2017

The International Conference
SN 1987A, Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects
and Multimessenger Astronomy

2-8 July 2017

GW170104 optical counterpart and possible scenarios of gravitational waves generation

Liudmila Fesik


      The gravitational wave event GW170104 detected by aLIGO is of an especial interest for a range of reasons. Firstly, it provides a test on different mechanisms of GW radiation. Besides the most common view on the GW source as a coalescing binary, in this work has been considered the scenario for a core-collapse supernova including a spherically-symmetric one and a massive supernova proposed by Imshennik and Nadezhin. The theoretical predictions have been applied to estimate physical parameters of such objects in order to provide the ัriteria for the electromagnetic transients search. Secondly, there has been used the proposed by authors method for source localization based on the construction of an apparent circle (AC) on the sky together with the beam pattern to the polarization state of an incoming GW. Interestingly, the AC for GW170104 is perpendicular to the Local Super-Cluster plane with some parts within it. Thus, the predicted positions of the source may belong to the LSC plane, which is consistent with detection of possible optical counterpart ATLAS17aeu.

Liudmila Fesik "GW170104 optical counterpart and possible scenarios of gravitational waves generation " in Proceedings of The International Conference "SN 1987A, Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects and Multimessenger Astronomy", Russia, Terskol (BNO INR RAS), Nizhnij Arkhyz (SAO RAS), 2-8 July 2017, INR RAS, Moscow, 2018, ISBN 978-5-94274-327-7, pp. 69-79.
DOI: 10.26119/SAO.2020.1.52305
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